Every once in a while there is sensational interest in crime aboard cruise ships and in vacation spots. Now that three major cruise lines have agreed to post crime data on their website there is renewed interest in safety while cruising. While the Cruise Line Industry Association (CLIA) asserts serious incidents are rare, there are simple tips to keep you safe at sea and while vacationing abroad.
Ships and large resorts are the size of some small towns so there are bound to be some unsavory characters around whether they be guests or employees. While it may be paradise, it is important to remember your basic safety measures still apply.
1. Trust your instincts - If it feels wrong, trust your gut.
2. Have a buddy when drinking.
3. Stay in well lit areas.
4. Use the safe - Better yet leave anything you can't afford to lose at home.
Is Mexico Dangerous 2013
I get asked so much if Mexico is too dangerous to visit that I thought I'd explain what I feel the biggest dangers are for American travelers...falling in love with it!
Of course we're not minimizing real issues, but over 20 million vacationers are finding something they enjoy. With 98% of visitors saying they would return according to the Mexico Tourism Board the statistics show there is plenty of reasons to go.